Get Help from an Experienced Los Angeles Unpaid Wage Lawyer
As an employee in Los Angeles, you have the right to know how your employer is calculating your pay. This means that you have the right to receive a pay stub with your check that includes (among other information):
- The hours for which you are being paid
- Your pay rate for each hour (including any overtime pay)
- All deductions applied to your paycheck
Most employers provide pay stubs to their employees as a matter of course. They work with payroll companies that automatically generate pay stubs, and then they provide these pay stubs to their employees for each pay period. If your employer is refusing to provide pay stubs, this could be a red flag, and you will want to speak with a Los Angeles unpaid wage lawyer about your legal rights.
Your Employer Must Provide Pay Stubs Under California Law
California law requires that employers provide pay stubs to their employees. This requirement is intended to help employees make sure that they are being appropriately compensated for their work. Your pay stubs should give you the information you need to confirm that your compensation is correct—including your:
- Normal wages or salary
- Commissions
- Overtime pay
- Earned paid time off
- Any other compensation you receive for your services
So, what if your employer fails to provide pay stubs? Since employers are required to provide pay stubs under California law, the failure to provide pay stubs itself is a violation of your legal rights as an employee. But, oftentimes these failures will suggest other violations as well. For example, if your employer is failing or refusing to provide pay stubs, this could mean that:
- Your employer isn’t paying you for your total hours worked
- Your employer isn’t accurately calculating your overtime pay
- Your employer is taking unlawful deductions from your wage or salary
- Your employer has misclassified you as an exempt employee or independent contractor
- Your employer is attempting to avoid employment taxes or other liabilities
Regardless of why your employer is failing to provide pay stubs, you can (and should) enforce your right to ensure that you are being compensated appropriately. An experienced Los Angeles unpaid wage lawyer at Attorneys for Employees (AFE) can help. We have decades of experience helping employees in California with wage-related issues, and we can use our experience to help protect your rights under California law. We can deal with your employer on your behalf, and, if necessary, we can file a claim with the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or file a lawsuit in court to make sure you are receiving the full compensation you deserve.
Learn More from a Los Angeles Unpaid Wage Lawyer at AFE
Has your employer failed to provide you with pay stubs? If so, we can help you protect your legal rights as an employee in California. To schedule a confidential initial consultation with a Los Angeles unpaid wage lawyer at AFE, please call 310-601-1330 or tell us how we can reach you online today.